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The SEND teams provides support for students who have special educational needs or disabilities. Students are considered to have special educational needs if they need extra support to access the curriculum. They may have a diagnosis of a learning need or disability or be working below age-related expectations. Our SEN register is a record of students who are receiving support above and beyond support within the classroom.

Students with SEND are identified as having needs in these areas:

  • Cognition and Learning needs
  • Communication and Interaction needs
  • Sensory/ Physical needs
  • Behaviour, Emotional and Social needs
  • Medical needs

SENDCo: Ms Francess Dutton e-mail address

ASSISTANT SENDCo: Ms Sarah Gibson e-mail address

Our Guidance Booklet for parents on 'How to Cope with Exams' here

Our Guidance Booklet for parents on 'Learning Support Tips' here

Hounslow SEND Local Offer website: here

Pet Therapy

As a school we offer weekly (every Friday) Pet Therapy sessions with our 8 year old cockapoo, Rudi who works with a Learning Support Assistant to support students with a wide range of needs.  These are planned and structured small group sessions offering an educational, fun and stress-reducing period for the students attending that helps develop skills in responsibility, empathy and nurturing.  Pet Therapy promotes calming behaviours whilst increasing social skills, self-esteem and confidence.  It also helps to improve academic achievement and school attendance. The hormones releases during pet therapy can lower symptoms of depression, anxiety and sadness, helping support good mental health.

Introducing a dog into a school environment is not without its risks, but these risks are managed with control measures. A thorough risk assessment has been carried out and can be viewed via our Dog Policy.  Rudi has been chosen because of his calm nature and quiet breed who are known to respond well to training and to be good with students.  Cockapoos are hypoallergenic (does not shed hair) and are very sociable and friendly.