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Year 8 Options

Year 8 Options process:

The Year 8 Options process commences in Spring 2 following the timeline below:




Wednesday 19th March

Year 8 Careers Day

Thursday 20th March 

Year 8 Options Evening (4pm-6pm)

Wb 31st March

Year 8 Options Assemblies

Wb 23rd-30th April 

Year 8 Option taster sessions

Thursday 1st May

Year 8 Parents Evening (virtual)

Friday 2nd May

Deadline for Options Forms 

Wb 2nd June

Interviews to confirm choices (where necessary)

Wednesday 11th June

Year 8 informed of Final Option choices

Wednesday 18th June

Deadline to Request changes

By Friday 27th June

Final Changes Made and Final Choices Relayed to Students & Parents

Please complete and submit the Yr8 options form as soon as possible or by Friday 2nd May at the very latest. Please click here