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Starting sixth form

At Brentford 6th Form, we understand that transition from Year 11 into 6th Form and beyond is crucial in developing confidence and understanding of what is yet to come.

We have high expectations for all our students and actively encourage you to embrace and develop our key learning values throughout your time in the 6th Form .

Learning Values



Being successful at Key Stage 5

We will support you to perform to the absolute best of your ability and to be happy during your time at Brentford. It is important that you establish strong foundations for a bright and successful future in whatever route you choose to take when leaving our 6th Form.  As well as embracing the Brentford 6th Form learning values, we expect you to adopt the Brentford 5R's in your approach to learning and belonging to our community. Through respect, responsibility, resilience and readiness you will attain your best results during your time here. 

5 R’s:

- Respect staff, peers and your community
- Take responsibility for your learning; excellent attendance, engagement and work completion to your best standard.
- To have the ability to rise above the many challenges you will face with resilience and patience.
- The readiness to complete your work independently, seek knowledge and ask questions.
- This will lead you to attaining results that reflect your true potential.

We are committed to ensuring that each transition that you make throughout your 6th Form experience is well supported. We have a dedicated Tutor Time programme, focused on ensuring that all of the following transition points are well supported: GCSE to AS, from AS to A2 and from A2 to the world of work or university. .

Tutor Time

Tutor time continues to be a fundamental part of your 6th Form time experience. We pride ourselves in providing you with outstanding support and you will meet with your 6th Form Tutor every day.  They are also responsible for your future UCAS or alternative pathway references and there to aid in preparing you for the world of work or university, as well as developing and supporting you during your time here. 

Tutor time will follow a set weekly structure, which will include a focus on literacy, exploring future pathways, as well as a variety of events and competitions that encourage you to develop your communication skills and ability to work as part of a team.

Celebrating success 

We are really proud to celebrate the success of our students in the Sixth Form. Every half term there will be a dedicated assembly focused on celebrating your achievements. 

Some of the awards given are for: 

  • Outstanding progress in a particular subject
  • Outstanding effort in a particular subject
  • 100% attendance
  • 100% punctuality
  • Tutor Award
  • Head of Sixth Form Award
  •  Subject Awards

6th Form Dress Code

The 6th Form dress code is smart casual.