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Welcome to the Brentford School for Girls Recruitment Section. We know that our website is the first point of call for many people interested in a position at the Academy and we hope you find it useful and interesting.  You will see from this website that Brentford is an exciting and rewarding place to work.

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Brentford School for Girls is a popular and thriving girls academy in West London. Our community is diverse, with girls coming from a number of different cultural, religious/non-religious, ethnic backgrounds.  The school serves a number of local inner London and outer London boroughs. The school has a strong vision for creating ambitious, confident and aspirant young women.  Many of our girls stay with us into sixth form, where the provision is mixed, and then move into high education or employment.  The school has a strong track record in supporting students to gain access to some of the most prestigious universities in the country.

Academic Success

The schools' academic success has grown from strength to strength over the last 5 years. Brentford is now one of the highest performing schools in the local authority. We were the proud winners of a Pupil Premium Award in 2015, and also invited to join the London Schools Gold Club more recently. The progress of our girls comfortably sits in the top 6% of all schools nationally.  We are incredibly proud of this success.

Working together

Whilst we feel the quality of the learning and the opportunities for developing wider skills amongst the girls make our school an exceptionally rewarding place to work in, perhaps the most rewarding aspect of the school is the quality of the relationships you will find here. Students at Brentford like and respect each other and value their opportunities to learn.  They get on exceptionally well with staff, so adults and students work together in a productive and trusting atmosphere. Students are given a high degree of responsibility and thrive on it. Student leadership is at the heart of our philosophy with student year council, Display buddies, SMSC group, Behaviour and Safety Experts and a traditional school council. We believe that Brentford students are given unequalled opportunities to learn, to encounter positive life experiences and to excel. Underpinning all of our work with students and staff is our strong ethos focused on the development of the ‘Brentford Girl’, which we hope permeates all aspects of our work at Brentford.