Key Stage 4 Careers
Student Entitlement Statement for Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
This Entitlement is designed to reflect the six core learning areas outlined in the Career Development Institute framework:
- Grow throughout life
- Explore possibilities
- Manage career
- Create opportunities
- Balance life and work
- See the big picture
At the end of Key Stage 4 you will:
Continue your career exploration and self-development by taking part in careers sessions delivered through BLOSSOM.
Be given the opportunity to apply to sixth form, colleges, training providers and apprenticeships
Be given the opportunity to reflect on your personal qualities and skills and how these relate to your future career aims
Be able to access careers resources and specialist careers websites e.g. Unifrog, National Careers Service
Have the opportunity to visit a local university and listen to talks on a variety of aspects of student life, including information on finance
Have access to information about the world of work and changes in the labour market to help you find out about jobs now and of the future
Have access to information about and be supported to research all academic and vocational routes and pathways at post-16 and post-18
Be given the opportunity to take part in a mock interview and receive individual feedback from a local professional
Have an opportunity for an interview with an impartial Careers Adviser
Receive information and advice about the Post-16 Choices available to you and opportunities for open days and taster sessions
Receive the opportunity to reflect on previous transitions and learn how to manage important decisions
Have the opportunity to take part in work-related and enterprise activities (e.g. through your curriculum or drop-down industry day)
Have the opportunity to attend careers talks during the school year from visiting speakers on a variety of topics