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Assesment Data & Reporting

Data is collected centrally at three points during the academic year (once per term)

What is the data based on?

Reported data is informed by ongoing formative and summative assessment. This includes looking at students’ books, considering any homework or coursework completed, verbal answers in lessons in addition to any formal PPE assessments sat during the period preceding data collection.

Target Setting:

Key Stage 3 and 4:

Each student at Brentford School for Girls is set a GCSE target for each of their subjects based on Fischer Family Trust (FFT) estimates. FFT is non-profit organisation commissioned by the Department for Education that estimates potential individual performance based on how students of similar ability on entry (at the end of Key Stage 2) perform nationally.

FFT provide estimates with varying degrees of challenge and we use FFT 20 as the basis of our Key Stage 4 targets which is based on the progress seen in the top 20% of schools nationally. Importantly – this serves as a minimum rather than ceiling targets with all students encouraged to exceed their targets in each of their subjects.

Using this information we can plot end of year benchmarks for each student. We are then able to monitor their progress toward this benchmark, ensuring that considered and timely intervention is put in place to enable students in all year groups to make the necessary progress towards outstanding individual outcomes.

Key Stage 5

Utilising estimates generated by our partner Oxford Analytics - target setting for students in the 6th form considers all national outcomes for similar students (based on KS4 results), alongside both student and specific subject factors, to create an individual target for each student in each course. This benchmark grade is both aspirational and realistic. By meeting / exceeding their minimum target grade(s) across their suite of subjects students will be able to apply for apposite post 18 courses – whether that be at university or in employment based training.

Target review and refinement:

Targets are constantly reviewed and refined as we, utilising both internal and national data, build an increasingly robust evidence base.

What does the data mean?

For students in Year 7 and Year 8

  • Academic Progress - Indicates the progress that students are currently making in each of their subjects in relation to the intended curriculum.



Working Towards


  • Learning characteristics - provides guidance on students’ positive engagement with their learning
  • Learning behaviours - provides guidance on the behaviours students are displaying in each of their lessons to allow them to learn at their best.

For students in Year 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13

  • The EOY target grade is what each student should be aiming to achieve at this end of this academic year.
  • The current grade is the grade that each student is working at presently - informed by attainment in their most recent CUMULATIVE assessment.
  • The forecast grade is the grade teachers predict each student will achieve by the end of the year should they continue to make sustained progress.

Each student is also given an attitude to learning grade that indicates their preparedness for lessons and the extent to which they engage in class. This grade goes from 1 - 4 with 1 indicating an outstanding learner.

What will the school do with this data?

We use the data to identify those subjects in which students may require further support or intervention to narrow or close any gaps that may have arisen in comparison to the intended curriculum in each of their subjects.