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The challenge of finding the right secondary school

For parents of children in Year 6, this new academic year brings the additional challenge of selecting secondary schools for their applications before the deadline on 31st October. This requires research, school visits and navigating through the variety of information on offer.

Mr May at Brentford School for Girls understands this as he has overseen admissions at the school for a number of years. However, last year he experienced it more firsthand as a parent of a Year 6 himself!

He said: “With many secondary schools to choose from there are a number of things that parents will consider. These will include exams results and Ofsted inspections. This can be a minefield of information for parents and, in many cases, the information is very similar or positive.”
With their experience of the admissions process, Brentford School for Girls tries to help by offering a number of opportunities to see the school in different guises. This starts in the summer term with the school’s amazing annual Arts Festival. With hundreds of people in attendance, the opportunity for the community to see the school site, experience the artistic talent of the students, and meet teachers and pupils is a wonderful opportunity to get to know the school and its ethos.

As part of the Arts Festival, the school had a number of Year 5 parents attend a specially organised talk about the admissions process and what the school has to offer – including a tour of the site conducted by Year 7 pupils.

In the autumn term, the school’s Open Evening will give parents and students the opportunity to see what the school offers in person and the Open Mornings give another opportunity to see the school on a normal school day.

There are a number of factors that may help parents to decide on what is best for their children:

1. Online research

A school’s website offers an insight into what a school offers and is a wealth of information. At Brentford School for Girls, parents also have access to the termly Highlights Magazines which showcase the experiences of the girls. This gives parents the opportunity to see what goes on in the school to develop their children beyond academic performance.

2. Attend the Open Events

Whilst this can have a time impact on families, getting a feel for the school is important. All parents want their children to have a sense of belonging in their school and want them to be happy. At Brentford School for Girls, parents can visit the school at the Open Evening Event to see what is on offer at the school via a tour guided by students to each of the departments and hear from the Headteacher, staff and students. In addition, there are Open Mornings when parents (and their daughters) can see the school during the day which gives a valuable insight into what school is like daily.

3. Consider any specific preferences

As a single gender school, Brentford School for Girls understands that choosing between a mixed gender or single gender environment can be a major decision. Each child is different but it is important to research the differences and consider all factors. For example, as a single gender school, the school is equipped to effectively support the girls throughout their time at the school and the girls regularly choose STEM subjects and take leadership positions in the school.

However, there are other considerations. For example, Brentford has an extremely dedicated and strong arts offer at the school.

4. Distance and travel

Parents do need to consider the travel aspects of attending a secondary school. Having a school on the doorstep is often preferred. However, many secondary school students travel to school via public transport, cycling or walking. It is worth considering that that entering school at Year 7 brings more maturity and responsibility and travel is less restrictive than for primary age. Having the right school for your child may require them to travel.

Students at Brentford School for Girls travel from a variety of areas of the Hounslow borough and many travel from areas such as Ealing and beyond to attend the school. Where needed, the school arranges travel buddies for students.

For more information about Brentford School for Girls and to book places at their open events, please visit the school website at

The Open Evening for Brentford School for Girls is Thursday 19th September from 6pm-8.30pm with the Headteacher’s Talk at 7pm.

Open Mornings are available on Wednesday 25th September and Wednesday 2nd and 9th October from 9.30am-11am.