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Discover how Brentford 6th Form continues supporting wellbeing with their bespoke Twilight Programme.
The pressure of exams can cause stress and anxiety, which can negatively affect students’ academic progress and general wellbeing. Brentford 6th Form takes student wellbeing seriously.
Brentford 6th Form has created a safe and supportive space for 6th Form students to disconnect from academic demands and focus on their wellbeing with their Twilight Programme. The Twilight Programme has been created in line with the government’s statutory post-16 additional hours.
The programme aims to tackle two of the main areas of concern for Year 12 & 13 students:
- Providing personal development support: focusing specifically on managing stress and anxiety. Brentford 6th Form understands that these feelings can be overwhelming and affect their ability to study effectively, so help to equip them with strategies to overcome these challenges.
- Secondly, Brentford 6th Form provides subject-specific intervention and support to aid effective revision. As students transition from A-level study and move towards university or apprenticeships, it is crucial to acquire the necessary revision skills for future success.
Thanks to Brentford 6th Form’s Twilight Programme, their students participate in a range of activities such as board games, cookery classes, netball, drama and dance self-improvement workshops, self-defence classes, football and yoga. Brentford 6th Form have also invited specialist guest speakers to talk to the students about managing stress and anxiety effectively. One of their external speakers, James Peterson, delivered two weeks of excellent strategies on managing stress and anxiety, covering the ‘WHAT, HOW and WHY’ of Positive Mental Health.
Here are a few quotes from year 12 students sharing what they have gained from the Twilight Programme so far:
“Weekly football sessions have made me realise what activities I can do within an hour that are far more beneficial for my mental health than sitting on my phone. I have now started looking into other extra-curricular activities I can do in my spare time, as it has made me feel happier and less stressed.” Meron
“By scheduling in time to take a break to prioritise my mental health has benefited me greatly. I have found that I am more focused on myself during this time, rather than thinking about academia. By focusing on art, I have developed my precision and have learnt about colour theory, which is therapeutic.”
Brentford 6th Form’s Twilight Programme has numerous benefits that will last beyond the end of Year 13. The programme provides 6th Form students with lifelong skills that can be applied in academic and personal contexts. For example, the programme teaches them to prioritise self-care, utilise effective revision techniques and manage those overwhelming feelings of stress and anxiety.
Brentford 6th Form believe that thanks to their Twilight Programme their students are acquiring lifelong skills that can be applied to future academic and personal contexts.
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