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News articles

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  • Let the LOCKDOWN games begin!

    Published 02/03/21

    Move over The Hunger Games and bring on the Brentford School Lockdown Games! For 1 week only! 

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  • The best young bakers!

    Published 24/02/21

    Taking the Great Brentford Bake off to the next level! Are you ready! 

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  • Winners of the House Logo Competition

    Published 19/01/21

    The winners of the Brentford School for Girls House Logo competition are announced! 

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  • Brentford School for Girls Keep Active Challenge!

    Published 12/01/21

    Here is something that will have you jumping for joy girls! The Brentford School for Girls PE department launches a weekly keep fit and active competition for you to enter and there are prizes to be won! 

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  • Virtual Students Music Extravaganza!

    Published 15/12/20

    CLICK HERE to join us in celebrating the festive holiday season with a music extravaganza from our wonderful students! 

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  • Helping Our Community

    Published 01/12/20

    In tough times, we pull together and support our community where we can.

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  • Hounslow 'Teen Read' Book Shortlist!

    Published 18/11/20

    The Hounslow 'Teen Read' book shortlist is in and our Year 10 students could not wait to receive their books! 

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  • Virtual Enrichment

    Published 18/11/20

    Continuing to enrich the learning of our students is more important than ever. 

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  • #blackhistorymonth

    Published 06/10/20

    #blackhistorymonth - Celebrating the positive contribution people of African and Caribbean heritage have made to the UK.

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  • Anne Frank Trust 'Together Again' Programme

    Published 06/10/20

    Working with the Anne Frank Trust and their 'Together Again' programme to support the reintegration of students into our school community. 

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  • Open Events for September 2021 Student Intake

    Published 19/07/20

    ' DISCOVER MORE' about our thriving and vibrant all girls' secondary school.

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  • Stay Connected

    Published 24/06/20

    All the staff at Brentford School for Girls are thinking of all of our students and miss you all. Keep sharing with us your amazing work and new activities you have being learning. Click here to see a video that has been created to share with you weekend leisure time moments from the Brentford School teaching staff.

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