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Behaviour Expectations

Jewellery & Mobile Phones

If jewellery is worn it must be limited to a watch and one small pair of plain studs, one in each ear lobe. Multiple body and facial piercings will not be accepted. If students are wearing additional jewellery, it will be confiscated and a 30-minute detention issued. Pupils can retrieve items from their Head of Year at the end of the school day. If items have been confiscated on a second occasion, a parent / carer will be asked to come into the school to collect the confiscated item/s following a 5 day confiscation period.

Items which are an obligation of the religion practiced which must be worn at all times are permitted, but must be worn discretely whilst at school and must comply with the school’s restrictions for health and safety.

Once students arrive at the gates mobile phones and any headphones should be turned off and be placed in school bags, out of sight until the final bell has gone and pupils are dismissed from their classes and outside the school buildings. The same confiscation rules for jewellery apply to mobile phones. We have to warn you that mobile phones are brought to the school at the girls’ own risk. The school cannot take responsibility for any valuable items and will not investigate the loss of expensive items. If there is a cause for a member of staff to confiscate any item a 30 minute detention will be issued, a second confiscation of a mobile phone will result in a 5 day confiscation period.

Other Valuables

 Students should only bring the items necessary for them to function effectively during the school day. Items of clothing must be clearly marked with their name, and all students should make use of a locker. Locker details and charges are available from form tutors. All students are ambassadors of the school.  As such their conduct on the way to and from school should be exemplary. Uniform should be worn as it is in school and consideration and respect must be shown for other members of the local community.

Conduct in the Community

Students are not permitted to congregate in large groups as this can be intimidating to other people. They must go straight home at the end of the day and are not permitted to congregate in Brentford High Street or St Paul’s children’s’ playground.

Students are not permitted to use Morrison’s supermarket after 8.30am.

Positive Behaviour Policy

At Brentford we do expect the highest standard of student behaviour. The first wave of positive behaviour for learning comes through our four steps intervention. This is used when a student is off task and is not behaving appropriately. Firstly, a non-verbal reprimand, secondly, a verbal warning to the student, thirdly, two minutes outside the classroom, with a reminder of how to behave on re-entry. Finally, if a student persists then they will be sent to the Subject Leader who will issue a 1 hour disruptive behaviour detention and the behaviour logged through use of the parking system or use of on-call.

There follows a summary of the Schools’ Behaviour Policy and its expectations. All students are expected to follow it. Please note that all Brentford School for Girls policies are available to view on our website:

             Brentford School for Girls Positive Behaviour Policy

Classroom Culture


At Brentford we …..


Walk into class quietly moving quickly to our allocated seat


Remove coats and place bags under the desk


Put our journal on the desk – unless this is a practical subject and becomes a safety risk


Get all equipment out ready for the lesson


Listen to the teacher – class is in silence when the teacher is talking


Raise our hand if we wish to speak to the teacher and wait to be responded to


Work within what group we are allocated to


Follow all requests from the teacher without question


Leave the classroom quietly when the teacher dismisses us




Late to school

30 minute same day detention

Late to lesson period 2 onwards

Head of Year detention

Uniform infringement – Items missing e.g. Incorrect shoes, tie, blazer, incorrect skirt, make-up on, long nails or painted nails

Send to Wellbeing to change, remove make up or nail varnish – issued with a 30 minute detention

Uniform infringement – Uniform not worn correctly. Tie not on properly, skirt rolled up

30 minute detention

Jewellery – No jewellery apart from watch and a pair of small studs, one in each ear lobe

Confiscation of Jewellery – 30 minute detention

Subsequent confiscation – a parent/carer must collect / extended confiscation period.

Chewing gum

30 minute detention

Mobile phone

Confiscation of phone – 30 minute detention

Subsequent confiscation – a parent/carer must collect / extended confiscation period.

Equipment missing

30 minute detention

No journal

30 minute detention

No homework

30 minute detention

Low level disruption – eg.

Talking when the teacher is talking

Continuation of talking

If behaviour persists

Non – verbal warning

Verbal warning

Move to another seat or group

Move outside room to reinforce expectations. Detention set appropriate to behaviour issue.

Failure to follow instructions eg.

Failure to sit in allocated seat

Failure to hand over journal

Failure to move when asked

Verbal warning to re-establish positive behaviour, if behaviour persists – use parking system

Or you will be removed from the lesson by on call. Detention set appropriate to behaviour issue.


Corridor and playground culture


At Brentford we ….

Demonstrate positive behaviour at all times

Respect our environment

Do not use any foul language

Place all litter in the bin and leave our area tidy

Wear our uniform correctly throughout the day

Eat and drink in the hall, canteen, year zones, Curie foyer tables and picnic tables, we never eat or drink in corridors

Move to lessons upon hearing the movement bell

Move through the corridor quickly and quietly – walking on the left

If we have any problems or concerns we see a member of staff

Keep our mobile out of sight throughout the day

Wear school uniform to and from school

Always behave appropriately on public transport



Shouting in the corridor

Verbal warning – if persistent you will receive a detention

Foul language/swearing in corridor or playground

30 minute detention

Arguing at break or lunch

You risk a sanction if you do not resolve. Make sure you see a member of staff

Fighting or physical contact between students

Risk of internal or external exclusion

Eating in the corridor between lessons

Verbal warning and items confiscated

Eating in the corridor at lunch time

Verbal warning and directed to picnic tables or main hall

Drinking energy drinks and/or eating family sized crisps, eg. 150g bag of Sensations or Doritos or full tub of Pringles

Confiscation that will not be returned

30 minute detention

Dropping litter

Verbal warning  / detention is persistent

Refusing to pick up litter

1 hour detention


Clean off and 1-hour detention. Possible payment for damages / cleaning.

Uniform infringement – Items missing e.g., incorrect shoes, tie, blazer, incorrect skirt, make-up on, long nails or painted nails

Sent to Wellbeing to change – issued with a 30 minute detention

Uniform infringement – Uniform not worn correctly. Tie not on properly, skirt rolled up

30 minute detention

Jewellery – No jewellery apart from watch and a pair of small studs, one in each ear lobe

Confiscation of Jewellery – 30-minute detention

Subsequent confiscation – a parent/carer must collect

Chewing gum   

30 minute detention

Mobile phone

Confiscation of phone – 30-minute detention

Subsequent confiscation – a parent/carer must collect


Rewards pyramid

The celebration of students’ successes and achievements is an integral part of what we do at Brentford.  Achievement in all areas of success is highly valued. We believe success is to be celebrated at all levels and that rewards should be out in place to inspire and recognise the outstanding achievements of our students.

We reward students in some of the following ways:

Through termly celebration assemblies

Use of verbal praise

Giving of House points

Pupil of the week pen/display

Lunch with the Headteacher

Postcards home

Trips and extra-curricular opportunities

Recognition in our school publications and our online platforms


Students will be rewarded for meeting the school behaviour expectations, outstanding classwork and or homework, good attendance and punctuality, demonstrating the values of the Brentford girl community work and supporting others including representing the school.