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Statement of Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance (CEIAG)

General mission

Brentford School is committed to supporting its students in preparing for their future and fulfilling their potential. 


Brentford School for Girls is committed to providing a planned programme of careers education for all our students in years 7 – 13. Careers education is delivered through the BLOSSOM curriculum (PSHCE) and where possible through trips and activities. We are also committed to providing access to impartial and independent careers advice through our careers advisor and through the Hounslow 14-19 service (for those students with additional needs). 

The School's CEIAG policy is underpinned by a number of key policies, frameworks and other up to-date relevant guidance, such as:

  • Career Development Institute (CDI) Career Development Framework (2021) 

  • Education Act 2011 and statutory guidance for governing bodies, school leaders and school staff (DfE, 2018) Careers guidance and access for education and training providers (2018)

  • Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Careers Guidance (see definitions in Appendix 1)

  • Ofsted Inspection Framework (2019 & subsequent updates)

  • The Technical and Further Education Act (2017) - See separate Provider Access Policy

In addition, the school continues to work in accordance to the highest standards through it’s achievement of the Quality in Careers Standard accreditation.

This statement links to School policies, including Equality, Child Protection / Safeguarding, Work Experience and the new Access to Technical and Vocational Education and Apprenticeship Providers policies.


This statement will be reviewed biennially in discussion with senior school staff, the Careers Education Co-ordinator, students and the school governors.

Management and Implementation

The CEIAG is led by an Assistant Headteacher. Guidance is delivered to pupils in years 7-13 by a careers’ advisor who is fully qualified to level 6. Students with additional needs (for example those who are at risk of disengaging or those who have special educational needs, learning difficulties or disabilities) are supported by Borough Personal Advisers from the 14-19 service. There is a named Link governor to support the work of CEIAG, on the school’s governing body. 


All staff contribute to careers education and guidance through their roles as tutors and subject teachers. Careers education forms an integral part of the curriculum in the BLOSSOM programme. Careers work is structured to meet the 3 core aims of the Career development Institute’s framework for careers, employability and enterprise education 7-19:

  • Developing yourself through careers, employability and enterprise education

  • Learning about careers and the world of work

  • Developing your career management and employability skills

The careers programme is planned, monitored and evaluated by the Careers Education Co-ordinator in consultation with the teacher with responsibility for BLOSSOM (PSHCEE).


All students are entitled to careers education and guidance that meets professional standards of practice and is person-centred, impartial and confidential. It is integrated into the students’ experience of the whole curriculum. The programme aims to challenge stereotyping, promote equality of opportunity, inclusion and anti-racism. The careers programme is planned according to the learning outcomes of the CDI national framework. Provision is communicated to students through the school’s website, as well as through the school’s termly Highlights magazine and Brentford Bulletin. 


BSfG works with a number of organisations to help deliver a stronger service. We have a range of different relationships with them. Partners include:

  • University of Roehampton, University of West London, St Mary’s University, Brunel University London

  • Hounslow 14-19 Service

  • Charities including EHCVS, The Wings of Hope Charity, Groundworks and Spark!

  • Local employers (teapigs, BSI, Sega)


Funding for the CEIAG area is allocated annually and the Careers Education Co-ordinator is responsible for its effective deployment. Students have access to a range of resources giving information about all routes and pathways at post-16 and post-18. The school has software licences including UNIFROG, an on-line, impartial, user-friendly platform that helps students to make informed decisions.

Staff Development

The Careers Education Co-ordinator attends the local CEIAG Network meetings (termly) and other training as needed. 

Monitoring, review and evaluation

There is an annual cross-curriculum audit of careers provision and the programme is reviewed annually by the Careers Education Co-ordinator, in order to identify areas for improvement. Evidence is drawn from student and staff comments as well as from external participants at a variety of career events. This informs the annual careers development plan.