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Policies & Funding Reports

Policies and Statements

Please see below a range of policies and statements which will give you an understanding of the schools principles, procedures and expectations of itself and its students.

  1. Academy Financial Procedures
  2. Accessibility Policy and Plan 2023-2026
  3. Admissions policy for 2020 2021
  4. Admissions policy for 2021 2022
  5. Admissions policy for 2022 to 2023
  6. Admissions policy for 2023 to 2024
  7. Admissions policy for 2024 to 2025
  8. Admissions policy for 2025 to 2026
  9. Allegations of Abuse Against Staff Policy
  10. Anti-Bullying Policy
  11. Anti-extremism and Anti-radicalisation policy
  12. Behaviour Policy
  13. Charging and Remissions Policy
  14. Collective Worship Policy
  15. Complaints Policy
  16. Coronavirus catch-up fund
  17. COVID-19 Testing Privacy Statement
  18. Data Breach Policy
  19. Data Protection Policy
  20. Data Retention Policy
  21. Data subject access form
  22. Diversity, Equality & Inclusion Plan
  23. E SAFETY and ICT Acceptable Use Policy
  24. ECT Policy
  25. Equality Duty Summary
  26. Exclusions Policy
  27. External Visitors Policy
  28. Freedom of Information Policy and Publication Scheme 2023 - 2024
  29. GDPR Privacy Notice Staff
  30. GDPR Privacy Notice Students and Parents
  31. Health and Safety Policy
  32. Home School agreement
  33. Homework Policy
  34. IT - CCTV Policy
  35. Lockdown policy and procedures 2023-24
  36. Privacy Notice for Job Applicants
  37. Privacy Notice Governors and Volunteers
  38. Privacy Notice visitors and contractors
  39. Promoting British Values Policy
  40. Pupil Acceptable User Agreement
  41. Pupil Premium Grant Expenditure 2021 - 2022
  42. Pupil Premium Grant Expenditure 2022-2023
  43. Pupil Premium report 23-24
  44. Pupil Privacy Statement – Covid-19 At Home Testing
  45. Recruitment Privacy Notice
  46. RSE Policy
  47. Safeguarding Policy 2023
  48. School Improvement Plan
  49. SEND Policy
  50. Severe Weather Policy
  51. Signed Scheme of Delegation 2023-24
  52. SMSC British Values Policy
  53. Whistleblowing Policy