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House System

House System

At Brentford we believe that:

By having a House System we can foster personal and social qualities in students which will benefit and inspire them in their learning and life in general.  The system also allows us to continue to create a positive and collaborative community.  Students are provided with an enjoyable selection of competitive activities throughout the year with principal events in departments such as sport.  Working in Houses encourages students to develop team work by allowing them to work with students in other year groups and classes.  The House system also promotes leadership opportunities for students at all ages.

The Houses and associated colours are Ambitious (Yellow), Confident (Purple), Flexible (Green), Inquisitive (Red), and Reflective (Blue).  These names were chosen to reflect the school values. The House System provides all students with the opportunity to experience competing as part of a team in a range of activities without adding to the pressures of being part of a school team.  The aim of House activities is to involve a wide range of students in school activities, ones that they might not otherwise be involved in. 

House System Co-ordinator:  Ms N. Garrett


Each half term, there will also be an inter-house competition.  Our annual singing, quiz and sports competitions are eagerly participated in and all students take part.

House Points will be awarded throughout the year for competitions for each year group.   Any examples of “public spirit” – care for the environment, helpfulness to members of staff, assisting at extra – curricular functions etc. - also attract the reward of house points.

Points are collected each term and collated. Not only are houses rewarded each half term with house points for the number of achievements received for all students but the system also operates as a running total, i.e. each total recorded is calculated from the September of the academic year.  The updates are displayed on the House notice boards.

Each House has its own notice board, on which general House business, events and meetings will be posted.  The upkeep and displays on these boards are the responsibility of the House Captains.

House Assemblies will take place on a regular basis in accordance with the school calendar.  They will be organised by the House Captains who are Y10 and Y11 students.